When we step into

We step into the circle with a reverence for the life that we have, a reverence for the never ending cycles of our nature.

When we are sharing we explore a different way of being, the circle is a sacred, safe space,to listen to yourself, to release what does not serve you and remember who you are.

In the circle we embrace ourselves fully, just as we are. Showing up in our truth. This is a moment to share what is present for us and wants to be seen.

Sitting in the circle we become each other's mirrors, holding each other from the heart. We are not separate from each other. We all hold medicine for each other.

When we learn how to be in a circle we start to take our rightful place in the circle of life from where everything lives in harmony and balance.

Trusting the divine wisdom that lives within ourselves and others (human and animal). Trusting that our divinity, light and wisdom will help us find our own way and solutions.